Fortunate Son

A conflicted and despondent graduate assumes a new temporary identity. He confronts prior family tension and personal flaws while delivering a eulogy.


     Ben wheeled his luggage to the terminal exit while straightening his shoulders and posture pretending to be important.  He knew the ride wasn’t intended for him, but what the hell.  He had nowhere to go but for a dull one bedroom place with no sweetheart or hot meal waiting.  It could be a ride to somewhere important:  A chance to meet interesting people, make new contacts, and charm impressionable women.  Perhaps he'd find his future soulmate over wine and cheese and before long, they’d book a getaway adventure to a tropical island.  They'd kiss and embrace under a full moon while leaning on a cruise ship railing at midnight.  He’d take her in his arms, and invite his newfound sweetie below deck to a marathon session of Texas Hold’em with other passengers.  The possibilities were endless if he pretended to be someone he wasn’t.